
狂掉SAN值 Pinyin: Kuáng diào SAN zhí Meaning: "狂掉SAN值" (Kuáng diào SAN zhí) means "lose one's mind" or "go crazy." In this context, "SAN值" (SAN zhí) refers to the "SAN value,"…

Feel Despair

Feel Despair Term: 头耷耷 (tóu dā dā) / 头耷耷 (tau4 dap7 dap7) Definition: In Mandarin, "头耷耷" (tóu dā dā) describes someone hanging their head in despair or feeling downhearted. Similarly,…

Sneeze (Cantonese)

Sneeze (Cantonese) Term: 打乞嗤 (dǎ qǐ chī) / 打乞嗤 (daa2 hat1 ci1) Definition: In Mandarin, "打乞嗤" (dǎ qǐ chī) means "cough" or "sneeze." In Cantonese, the equivalent term is "打乞嗤"…


English: YYDS 中文:永远的神 / 永远滴神 Pinyin: yǒng yuǎn dē shén / yǒng yuǎn dī shén   YYDS is a chinese slang word meaning greatest of all time (GOAT). For more…
Spare Tire (slang)

Spare Tire (slang)

English:Spare Tire Pinyin: bèi tāi 中文: 备胎 The spare tire or bèi tāi is a person who is in the friendzone and is waiting for the other party's change of…
Red panda

Sand sculpture 沙雕

As an Internet buzzword, in spoken chinese the word "sand sculpture" 沙雕(Shādiāo)  is a homophonic version of the word "silly dick". Sand sculpture began to replace silly dick as a more…